§ 44-1256. Penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person who violates, disobeys, neglects, omits, or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this chapter or any regulation, rule or order made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as provided in section 1-15. Each day a violation exists or continues shall constitute a separate offense, except that in order for the defendant to be charged with a second offense it shall be a separate and distinct violation as opposed to a continuing daily violation on the same provision.


    The term "person" shall include a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other entity. Any officer or registered agent of a corporation, any partner of a partnership and any member of a limited liability company or other entity may be directly and individually cited hereunder for a violation. The owner of the premises may also be cited for a violation hereunder even though not directly involved in the violation.

(Code 2004, § 17.1016)