§ 44-1284. Membership.  

Latest version.
  • The board of zoning appeals shall consist of five members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the common council.


    Terms. Terms shall be for staggered three-year periods.


    Chairperson. A chairperson shall be designated by the mayor, and in his failure to do so, the first confirmed nominee shall serve as chairman, and the second confirmed nominee shall serve as vice-chairman.


    Alternate members. The mayor shall appoint a first alternate member and a second alternate member to act only when a regular member is absent or refuses to vote because of interest. The second alternate member may act only when the first alternate is unable to act or is already sitting.


    Secretary. The board shall elect its own secretary.


    Custodian of records. The custodian of records shall be the city clerk.


    Technical assistance at meetings. The building inspector, or a designee from the office of the building inspector, shall attend all meetings for the purpose of providing technical assistance.


    Taking of official oaths. Official oaths shall be taken by all members in accordance with Wis. Stats. § 19.01 within ten days of receiving notice of their appointment.


    Filling of vacancies. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as appointments for a full term.

(Code 2004, § 17.1102)